A Cornet is an organ stop most commonly of principal or flute tone quality that contains multiple ranks of pipes.
The Cornet is primarily used as a solo voice and the ranks of the Cornet follows the harmonic series; 8', 4', 2 2/3', 2', 1 3/5'. The 8' rank is stopped while the other ranks are open. The Cornet may contain from two ranks and up, though three, four, and especially five ranks are the most commonly found.
The version with two ranks eliminates the 8',4', and 2' ranks, but is rarely used and the resulting combination (2 2/3' + 1 3/5') is more commonly called a Sesquialtera. The three and four rank versions eliminate the 8', 4' and 8' rank respectively. Some Cornets may include more harmonics, such as the seventh (1 1/7') and in rare cases the Ninth (8/9').